
Hello everybody out there! Its me @xkaix .
As some of you may have already hea

by zeitgeist

Februar 17, 2021

Hello everybody out there!
Its me @xkaix .
As some of you may have already heard my good friend Stef Bastian is going to do another charity project called the Food Bank project and I am very happy to be part of this.

This upcoming Tuesday I will be giving an online class about photography and how to take better pictures without having to buy new gear.

In this one hour live class I will be talking about such things as using the light, creating depth in your pictures or how to frame your subject.

Even if you are just starting out with photography and the only camera you have is the one on your smart phone, I can give you some practical tips without going too deep into all that boring technical stuff.

So if you’re interested in learning something new and doing something good for a great charity project please check out the links in the description to get all the information you need

Hope to see you all next Tuesday – don’t let me down!

For more informations please visit one of these sites:


About the author 

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